Passion, Practice, Perfection:
The Matok Story

Matok is the result of a lifetime of experience, training, passion, and love. For the past 20 years, I’ve dedicated myself to honing my craft in the pastry world. My journey began with endless hours in humbling apprenticeships, where I first started to learn the art of baking. From there, I began developing advanced baking skills at high-end french patisseries in New York City.

As head pastry chef of the famed Doris Metropolitan steakhouse in New Orleans and Houston, I was able to create an innovative bread and seasonal dessert menu. Through my partnership with the Doris Group, we opened a new bakery, Badolina. Together, we brought new life and color to the Houston baking scene.

But now I’ve stepped into the most exciting chapter of my life yet. At Matok, I can finally bring my skills, my creativity, and my passion to fruition. With every carefully shaped loaf, delicately layered pastry, and meticulously crafted dessert, I aim to create a singular taste experience that evokes sweet memories and helps to make new ones. I'm so glad you've chosen to become a part of this exciting journey.

Welcome, and bon appetit.

Pastry Chef & Founder of Matok